Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King Essay

Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King and Polonius as an amiable and sensible father. What is your response to the ways in which Shakespeare presents one of these characters? It is hard to judge the character of Polonius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, due to the fact Shakespeare presents many of the events not only through Hamlet’s eyes, but the eyes of Polonius’ children and the King, and through these different people he is presented in different ways. However, there is a great deal more to this multi-faceted character in the play, as his presence and actions in the play is of great importance, before and after his death. Polonius is presented in different ways in various stage productions; usually, he is presented as a wise man, and one with great influence upon his son and daughter, Laertes and Ophelia, and of a man highly respected by King Claudius, Queen Gertrude and the people of Denmark. Despite this, he can become a rather comic character, if the company wishes Hamlet to be presented more positively. As Polonius is presented through different productions in different ways, it is difficult to evaluate his true nature. As the play is largely presented through Hamlet’s eyes, it is from him we draw many of our opinions. It is eventually Hamlet that kills Polonius, stabbing him through the arras, and Hamlet who sends him off with such harsh words as â€Å"a foolish, prating knave†; it can be said that he encompasses aspects of this statement, as we see in different parts of the play. However, to be deeply cynical of Polonius is somewhat hard to do. Polonius, in the eyes of Claudius, the Queen, the words and actions of Laertes, Ophelia and the Danish people, and the obediency of Reynaldo give us a more reasoned insight into Polonius. Polonius can be seen as foolish mainly when talking to his servant, Reynaldo, wherein he directs Reynaldo as to how to spy on Laertes. During his speech, Polonius gets wrapped up in his own words, and seems to lose the points he is trying to get across; â€Å"And then, sir, does a’ this – he does – what was I about to say? By the mass I was about to say something. Where did I leave?†; Shakespeare also transfers from blank verse into prose, accentuating Polonius’ loss of grip. However, this may actually be cleverly checking if Reynaldo is listening; the fact he quotes him directly back â€Å"At ‘closes in the consequence’, at ‘friend or so’, / and, ‘gentlemen'† suggests many positive factors. For one, it is a reflection on Polonius’ authority and importance that Reynaldo remains attentive and quotes him back perfectly. Also, if this is a trick, Polonius may feel the matter is so important to his son’s welfare that he needs to test Reynaldo to see if he really is listening so that the surveillance can be perfectly executed. Polonius may be seen to lose his grip in his bouts of prating to the King and Queen in parts of the play too. His speech to Claudius and Gertrude concerning Hamlet’s madness is a prime example of Polonius’ prattling, as we see in his long-winded build up to his conclusion, that Hamlet is mad; Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,  And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,  I will be brief. Your noble son is mad.†.

Music-Induced Affect as Treatment of Elderly Depression Essay

Abstract   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Depression in elderly patients is one of the most prevalent psychological problems today. However, research and knowledge regarding this subject is limited and those involved in the application of this knowledge to help elderly individuals experiencing depression are lacking in efficient strategies and training. This paper aims to explore the efficacy of inducing positive affect through music as a strategy in treating depression in elderly individuals. The paper focuses on the effectiveness of music alone as tool in treating depression based on its capability to induce positive affect. It is hypothesized that positive affect continuously induced via music within a set time-period will lessen signs of depression. Introduction Depression has recently been recognized as one of main psychological problems facing society today. Literature shows that treatment of depression needs to be specialized in terms of the population it addresses. Certain groups, such as adolescents, respond to certain treatments differently when compared to another group, such as the elderly. (Aryan & Alvidres, 2001; Von Kroff et al, 2001) Depression among the elderly has specifically been found to be rampant and mostly unchecked mainly due to the fact that it was regarded earlier on as a normal step in an individual’s aging. (Casey, 1994) The need for further research on the subject is stressed by the fact that treatments and solutions for depression among elderly individuals are studied only in areas wherein a majority of the population is in the late stages of life. (Bramesfeld, 2003) Also, research has shown that general practitioners involved in treating depression in the elderly need to have more training and information on how best to handle depression in older patients. (Rothera et al, 2002) Diagnosis of depression is also a problem with 70-90% of depressed elderly patients going undiagnosed. (Koenig, 1999) A new strategy being researched for its effectiveness in treating depression employs the use of music techniques. Hendricks et al (1999) showed the potency of music in treating adolescent depression mainly because of its ability to inspire a change in the individual’s emotions. Hanser & Thomson (1994) and Hanser (1990) studies have also shown promise in the use of music techniques to treat depression in older individuals. This paper aims to validate these previous studies but will focus only on the musical aspect of the treatment. Previous research included exercise, muscle relaxation techniques, and recall of experiences which could have confounded the results of the previous studies attesting to the effectiveness of music techniques. Research Question   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The goal of this paper is to determine whether there is a significant relationship between music-induced affect and depression. Can positive affect induced by music reduce depression? It is hypothesized that positive music-induced affect has a significant negative relationship with depression. Methods   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The design of the study is experimental and random. Specifically, it makes use of a 2Ãâ€"2 between-subjects factorial design. One variable will be the music-induced affect which will have two levels in the experiment, presence and absence of music-induced affect. Negative music-induced affect will not be used for ethical reasons. The other variable will be the test scores of the participants assessing the intensity of their depression. This will have two levels, test scores prior to the application of the music technique and test scores acquired after application. The two variables contribute tot eh 2Ãâ€"2 factorial design. (Mann, 1949) Setting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The study will be conducted in a laboratory setting within primary care facilities from which the participants will be gathered. Performing the experiment in a primary care facility will be more convenient especially because the participants involved are elderly individuals. The laboratory setting will control for confounding variables that could be present in a real environment. Population   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The research sample will be composed of individuals from age 65 onwards coming from primary care facilities and who have been diagnosed with depression (ranging from mild to severe). This is to avoid ethical and scientific concerns regarding clinically-induced depression. Data Collection The independent variable is the positive music-induced affect will be measured with the State Form of the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List-Revised (MAACL-R). (Zuckerman & Lubin, 1985) The depression level, the dependent variable, of the participants will be measured with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). (Beck et al, 1961) Participants will be randomly assigned to two groups. The experimental group will be administered with music sessions aimed at inducing positive affect. The music will be pre-tested on a different set of participants also with depression to check its validity in inducing positive affect. The control group will not be administered with music sessions and will only be administered the Beck Depression Inventory at the start and at the end of the experimentation period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The experimental group will be administered the selected music once daily for a duration of four weeks. During the sessions, participants of the experimental set-up will be asked to clear their minds and to concentrate only on the music being played. The State Form of the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List-Revised will be administered before and after each session to ensure that positive affect was induced. The Beck Depression Inventory will also be administered to this group at the start and end of the four-week experimentation period to document depression levels. Data Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Collected data will be analyzed statistically with the use of a one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA). The computed marginal means in the ANOVA will be the determining statistical value indicating the effect of positive music-induced affect on depression scores with the Beck Depression Inventory. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Music as a technique employed in treating depression will provide healthcare workers and low-income families with a relatively cost-free strategy of helping elderly individuals experiencing depression. This is also a technique that doesn’t require much training or medical expertise in its administration. All one would need in order to be able to administer this technique is knowledge as to which music selections are prescribed and certified to induce positive affect. This technique, because of its simplicity and speed of application, could also be used as a supplementary strategy to medication, counseling and psychotherapies being employed to treat depression in elderly patients.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The research, however, has many limitations. The range of elderly individuals that will be available for experimentation will only be confined to a specific locality. Time constraints will also be an issue. Further study should be conducted on a larger sample size and over a longer experimentation period. Different music styles and variations can also be checked to ascertain maximum effectiveness of the treatment. Gender could also be checked as a factor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Depression is indeed a psychological problem that afflicts today’s elderly individuals. Research regarding effective techniques has to be continued and expanded in order for healthcare workers to be able to best address this growing problem. References Arean, P., & Alvidrez, J. (2001). Treating Depressive Disorders Who Responds, Who Does Not Respond, and Who Do We Need to Study? Journal of Family Practices, 50(6), 529 Beck, A., Ward, C., Mendelson, M., Mock, J., & Erbaugh, J. (1961). An inventory for measuring depression, Archives of General Psychiatry, 4, 561-571. Bramesfeld, A. (2003). Service provision for elderly depressed persons and political and professional awareness for this subject: a comparison of six European countries. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18, 392-401 Casey, D. (1994). Depression in the elderly. Southern Medical Journal, 87(5), 559-563 Hanser, S. B. (1990). A music therapy strategy for depressed older adults in the community. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 9, 283-298. Hanser, S. B., & Thompson, L. W. (1994). Effects of music therapy strategy on depressed older adults. Journal of Gerontology, 49, 265-269. Hendricks, C., Robinson, B., Bradley, L., & Davis, K. (1999). Using music techniques to treat adolescent depression. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development, 38(1), 39-46 Koenig, H. (1999). Late-life depression: How to treat patients with comorbid chronic illness.Geriatrics, 54(5), 56-61 Mann, H.B. (1949). Analysis and design of experiments; analysis of variance and analysis of variance designs. New York, Dover Publications. Rothera, I., Jones, R., & Gordon, C. (2002). An examination of the attitudes and practice of general practitioners in the diagnosis and treatment of depression in older people. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 354-358 Von Kroff, M., Katon, W., Wells, K., & Wagner, E. (2001). Improving Depression Care Barriers, Solutions, and Research Needs. Journal of Family Practice, 50(6), 529-561 Zuckerman M, & Lubin B. (1985) Manual for the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List-Revised. San Diego: Educational and Industrial Testing

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Its features and importance Essay

   Picture Gear Studio, DVgate Plus, Sonic Stage Other Giga Pocket PVR hardware and software with TV tuner card with remote control Support Policy One-year parts and labor warranty; 24-hour weekday toll-free support during warranty period. $19. 95 fee for phone support after 1-year warranty. Where is it available? What is its price? The SONY RS530G is available at any high end computer shop and also in the internet. Ordering this Desktop PC through the internet at eBay. com or PCExpress. com would come out cheaper than buying it here in the Philippines. Its price is $ 1850. 00 which leaves me with a total of $150. 00. The excess money I could use for extra accessories for the computer like other software’s may it be for leisure or education. III. Systems Ruled Out Obviously Workstations, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), Mainframes, Mini-Computers and Super Computers were out of the question while choosing my preferred computer system. I don’t need a very powerful PC that is used for Computer Aided Design (CAD) nor Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). I don’t need a computer that would serve up to 70 users because most probably the maximum users that will be using my computer would be 3. Definitely minicomputers are out of my list for one thing they’re phased out. I don’t need a computer that would serve hundred of users at a time; I’m only a student and not a business so mainframes are crossed out of my list too. Besides mainframes are too complicated to handle as it is. Super computers on the other hand are used by businesses for task demanding extreme computing power especially in establishments for science like meteorology and finding out more on enzymes. PDA’s are too small plus it’s not practical for a student like me to buy a PDA just to set my schedule straight in school and take notes. I need a computer that would aid me in my studies just like a Micro computer. Micro computers hold floppy disk drives and CD-ROM drive or even a DVD drive that would help me in storing data need for my classes, reports and papers. It’s the most practical thing to get as of now because if I think of leaving within three years for the UK technology improves quickly and by then if ever I buy a laptop it would be phased out and it would be harder to up grade not like a desktop pc. IV. Conclusion I therefore conclude that at this time, as a student, it would be more practical for me to buy a Desktop PC that would help me in school work and at the same time entertain me for my free time. Laptops are doubled the price of a Desktop PC and is harder to upgrade unlike a Desktop PC. Usually Laptops are used by professionals who are on the go and need computers most of the time to make use of their time. References   Charles S Parker, Understanding Computers: Today & Tomorrow: 200 edition, Harcourt College Publishers www. villman. com   www. Amazon. com   www. eBay. com Note from taken from class   and gathered data from different stores :   PC Express   Stores in Greenhills Shopping Mall   Stores in Cybermall.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Women driving in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Women driving in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example There was also no freedom of religion to believe in whatever they wanted. Even Christians killed other Christians and prosecuted them for believing in a different church than the government. That is the reason why a lot of Christians found it better to live under Islamic rule in Andalusia, Turkey, or Egypt rather than live in their own medieval European country. The founding fathers recognized the problem early on and wanted to create a country where people can state their opinion peacefully, worship their God freely, and have many other privileges and freedoms. And they have succeeded. Benjamin Franklin, for example, wanted the House of Speakers to be a place for anyone, including Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, â€Å"Mohammadans† or Muslims, etc. to come and speak knowing that their freedom of speech and other rights are protected. The U.S. Constitution was very well drafted to ensure the rights of everyone in the community. However, as I have now learned in my studies, it seems that people have been trying to manipulate the constitution in various ways. When the debate about whether or not to allow for a mosque to be built on Ground Zero New York New York came about I was shocked to see what this country has come to. Separation of church and state is supposed to be one of the strengths of the government, but recently it seems that is not the case. Even more so, it seems as if the problem is even worse. There seems to be a full blown religious war going on. Even though there are many churches all around the area, the proposition of building a much needed mosque by the private sector has sparked a heated debate on a whole other level. This is something that makes no sense. Believers would attend the mosque about five times a day, in comparison, believers would report to a church once or a twice week! I have learned that the American constitution is valuable and appropriate for a country of many cultures like the United States, but

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dale and Mike Parak's Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dale and Mike Parak's Case - Assignment Example Samaha defines justice as a system through which legal wrongs are controlled in an open and fair manner and informed decisions are made in legal processes. (Samaha, 2005). From this perspective, justice is a system that, through well-established structures and professional personnel, ensures that crimes are regulated in a fair manner (Samaha, 2005). The sentence was just. This is because determination of justice in the case is achieved from the definition and motive of justice and the circumstances surrounding the case. In the case, Dale shot his brother, Mike. This followed an agreement between the two parties that they were to poison themselves but Mike did not take the agreed upon substance. The police was called and investigation carried out. Consequently, a prosecutor picked the case, leading to the trial. The process that followed the murder of Mike falls within the definition of justice. There was involvement of an organized system, the police that carried out investigation of the murder. After the police, the prosecutor was involved and the final judgment pronounced by a court judge. The defendant was accorded a hearing in which he pleaded guilty. The process also satisfies the theme of controlling crime through setting examples to deter people from committing similar crimes. The sentence was therefore just because it satisfies the definition of justice, procedure, structure, and theme (Siegel, 2009), (Samaha, 2005). The decision to charge Dale would be based on the definition of his action as a crime and the procedure that followed his actions. Having committed a homicide and pleaded guilty for the same, the justice system is obliged to ensure that a prosecution is initiated against the suspect. The investigations by the police that provided sufficient evidence also established credible ground for successful prosecution. It would therefore be logical to prosecute Dale because

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Equity and Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Equity and Trusts - Essay Example These recent legal decisions have contributed a lot in refining the traditional stipulations surrounding. This been well illustrated in the amounts of emphasis currently attached to beneficiaries’’ loss as a result of a trustee’s actions. The law provides that a trustee should manage a trust property (in this case a fund) on behalf of beneficiaries. This is a discussion that surrounds misappropriation of trust funds by a trustee and focuses on the best legal advice to be given to the beneficiary. Introduction A trust is defined as an equitable duty that binds one person to handle property owned by him or her (but not his or her private property) on behalf of other persons in which any of these other persons my enforce the obligation; including the person himself or herself. This person is called a trustee while the others are beneficiaries and, as stated, the trustee could also be a beneficiary. The writer of the trust is called a settler. Hepburn insisted that o bligation is equitable1. Some scholars have clarified that the popular obligation of conscience is not necessarily the same as ‘equitable obligation The prime obligation of a trustee is to run, handle and manage the trust on behalf of the beneficiaries. Over time however, it has been established that trustees could misappropriate the trust property; which led to the development of rules of equities to act as checks and balances. For instances, rules of equity stipulate that trustees cannot invest trust funds in their own private businesses but only beneficiary-authorized ventures. The beneficiaries are said to own the equitable interest in the trust fund or property and are required to demand for good management of the trust. Beneficiaries can sue trustees for mismanagement or breach of trust. The beneficiaries are entitled to proprietary interest emanating proceeding from the trust property or fund; and are entitled to pass it to others2. The beneficiaries have a legal duty t o terminate the trustees’ legal titles to them. However, their age and absolute entitlement to the trust must be unquestionable. Jeremy Versus Kevin and Joint Trust In advising Kevin and the Joint Trust, there are a several features of a trust to be considered. It should be noted that the principle of equity is effected by the owner, trustee, in his or her own conscience. This is popularly known as implied or express trust. But if law comes in and forces the trustee to perform functions for which the property was conferred, that becomes a constructive. Using this power and the legal disposition discussed above, Kevin should go ahead and instruct his father to confer the legal title to him; otherwise seek court’s direction. The second advice to Kevin would probably rhyme with the second feature of trusts: conscience. For all intends and purposes, Jeremy, the trustee’s conscience is affected by at least some factors. This is illustrated by his decision to transfer the trust fund to his private account; which was of course not the original purpose of the trust. It means therefore that the trustee automatically rendered the trust from being implied or express. Establishment of a trust depends on a property that can be identified. In this case, Jeremy, by dishonestly transferring the trust fund, breached the trust and the ‘property is not identifiable’3; thus a trust cannot be established and if it was prior established, it should end. Alternatively, since the trustee is already under constructive trust terms, through a court process, then he should be made to refund the trust fund. After a trust is up and running, a proprietary interest on the part of the beneficiary starts to build up. Jeremy should be compelled by law to transfer legal title of the trust, refund the trust’

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Eighth Wonder of The World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Eighth Wonder of The World - Essay Example The architecture style of the building is Art Deco (Tauranac, 1975). In 1986 The Empire State Building entered the list of National Historical Monuments and in 2007 the building became the head of the list of the best American Architectural Solutions according to the American Architectural Institute. W&H Properties Company is the owner and the manager of the building. The Tower is situated on the Fifth Avenue, between the  33rd and 34th Street (Tauranac, 1975). As the Skyscraper is surrounded by many offices, it can’t be viewed in full from below. It is accomplished  in modest but very elegant Art Deco style. In contrast to many modern skyscrapers, the front of the tower is fulfilled in classical style. On the grey stone front, there are strips of stainless steel and the upper stores look like three projections. The hall is 30 meters in length. It is decorated with the picture representing Seven Wonders of the World with the eighth added to them – The Empire State B uilding itself. In 1964 the system of floodlights was set on the top of the towel to illuminate the top in different colors. It is interesting that the colors are chosen depending on the season of the year, holiday or event (Tauranac, 1975). In the Empire State Building there is a hall of Guinness  Records there is the information about outstanding records and record-holders. The tower was first shown in the film King Kong in 1933. After that, it was represented in many other famous films such as Love Affair and Empire. The building plays an important role in the sport life of the world because race competitions are held there annually.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

An Investigation into operating characteristics of DC-AC Three-Phase Essay

An Investigation into operating characteristics of DC-AC Three-Phase Generators and Motors - Essay Example In such condition the machine is called a Motor. Similarly if the field flux is present and the rotor conductors are moved inside that field an induced voltage is produced in them which produce terminal voltage i.e. electric power is generated. In such situation machine is called a Generator. In this assignment first DC series generator is examined. Then Series motor characteristics are studied. Then two types of induction motors i.e. capacitor start and cage rotor motors are studied and we find that the difference in the two motors is that of the capacitor which helps to rotate the motor shaft in the beginning when there is not enough torque to start the Motor. In all these experiments relating to motors we have considered the effects of changing load torque on speed, output power, power factor and efficiency. Objective of this assignment is to enable students to understand the basic concepts underlying the effect of increasing load on electric machines. Series Generators and different types of Motors are studied with the effects of changing loads on their characteristics. All these machines show change in their behavior when load is increased. Studying that behavior is the main Aim of this assignment. After wiring the circuit as shown in the circuit schematic, I set up DC series generator. I measured the output current using Ammeter which was connected at the output in series and voltage was measured by connecting voltmeter in parallel with the output load (R1). I varied the load R1 in small steps to obtain the given values of current which I recorded on the Ammeter. The output voltage values were recorded using voltmeter. These are given in the table below. As the field windings are in series with armature windings an increase in armature current (as load increases armature current increases) will also increase the field current which in turn will produce more induced voltage and output voltage will increase as a

Application Software Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Application Software Design - Essay Example Word processors can be used as a standalone application as it is not compulsory to have it dependant on other applications software. But, they are basically general purpose software and most of the times used simultaneously for different types of application. It can be merged with other related products that perform different functions on the same data, like a spreadsheet, database manager etc. In its main purpose, it is considered as general purpose application software. Since this software is platform independent and has the compatibility to be integrated with other software, it is up to the technical team to identify the different types of software that can be integrated with the current product. The support teams have to get hands-on with this software in order to find any difficulties in using this software. Also, their specific requirements have to be questioned and the answers have to be justifiable in the selection of this product. Â  Questions have to be raised to the technicians in such a way that their doubts regarding the migration from old technology to new technology have to be clarified. In a Computer Science major, there is no specific kind of data that is given higher priority. Since the field is basically about the handling of data, any software developed is for the purpose of handling data for several other fields. And as far as data storage is concerned, it entirely depends on what kind of application it is being stored for. Hence most of the application data storage is application centric. Since the software chosen is a general purpose, the data related to this software can be stored in a general repository.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Companies domestic enviroment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Companies domestic enviroment - Research Paper Example This company specialises in extracting crude oil, process it as well as selling the end products. Bp is headquartered in Houston America and it has been in the energy business for more than 100 years given that it started its operation in 1889. The domestic environment of America has a bearing on the operations of the company as a whole. According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (2011), there are certain considerations that have to be taken into consideration by the energy companies to ensure that they do not violate the set standards of operation. For instance, protection of the environment is given priority in America and there is a legislation called Clean Air Act which guides the operations of this particular industry. As such, it can be noted that this organisation has to adhere to the government stipulations with regards to standard operations. The government of America has a bearing on the operations of this particular organisation since it sets the standard regulations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is another regulatory body which monitors the operations of organisations that are involved in the energy business. If the safety and environmental regulations are violated, the respective company is fined large sums of money. The attribute they are list admired for is related to safety and environmental concerns. Bp is seen as one of the biggest polluters in America and this has impacted on its operations. In as much as safety and risk management are concerned, this organisation is poorly rated in these areas which is why it is least admired by people. Research has shown that Bp has a poor record of occupational safety and risk management. For instance, eleven people lost their lives following the incidence of the oil spill in the Gulf Coast (Bp, 2011). This can be attributed to the absence of safety and risk management plans in its operations. The company has a record of incidences where lives of people were lost

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assess Benjamin Franklin's contributions to science Research Paper

Assess Benjamin Franklin's contributions to science - Research Paper Example Science is one of the most important fields for development. The world before the 18th century has been described as a primitive world, where people depended on manual ways of during things. The contribution of science was not given the attention it deserved. It was until the 18th century that science became an important field of study for the development of Europe and America. This began with Isaac Newton’s discovery of the law of gravity and light. Newton’s discoveries inspired other scientists, including Edward Jenner and Joseph Priestley who later made important scientific discoveries in medicine and chemistry respectively (Fisher 12). In fact, 18th century comes out as the century that several discoveries were made, including steam engine, cotton gin, mercury thermometer, gas lighting, and hot-air balloon just to name but a few. Benjamin Franklin is among the great American scientists of the 18th century whose contributions in science have been of great importance to the world, several years after his death. Life Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 Boston, Massachusetts to a poor family comprising of his father, Josiah who happened to be a candle maker and Abiah, his mother. He was the fifteenth child in their family. Franklin was not lucky to have a formal education. He only managed to attend school for two years before being sent home for lack of school fees (Murre 15). However, since his family was too poor to afford the school fees required, Franklin abandoned school and resorted to helping his poor father in candle making. Nonetheless, since he had interest in having good education, he taught himself how to read and write, as well as how to experiment. Since his family could not afford enough money to feed the entire family, Franklin began working as a printer in Boston to boost his family income. Even though he was working as a printer, he still had a lot of interest in education. As such, he kept reading books and periodicals at night after leaving work (Canada par. 3). The more he continued practicing reading and writing, the more he developed good grammar and style of writing. However, when he was about 17 years of age, Franklin resigned from the print shop where he had been working as a printer. This is after he had gained a wealth of experience in typesetting skills. He then left Boston for Philadelphia, where he arrived very hungry and tired (Murre 18). It did not take him long before getting a new job in Samuel Keimer’s printing shop. Here, he demonstrated great skills, which earned him good salary. At age 22, in 1978, he started his print shop in partnership with Meredith. Few years later at the age of 24 year, Franklin met Deborah, whom he fell in love with, married, and were blessed with two children named Sarah and Francis Folger. His printing business became a great success, transforming him from a poor boy to a wealthy businessperson. In fact, his success in printing business made him become the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mayan Astronomy Essay Example for Free

Mayan Astronomy Essay Who were the Mayans? The Mayans were part of the Mesoamerican civilization and they lived around 2,000 BCE and lasted through to the time when the Spanish explorers arrived. From 250 CE – 900 CE was when they reached the peak of their development. They are well known for a fully developed written language, numerical system, mathematics, art, architecture and astronomy. Where did the Maya civilization thrive? They inhabited parts of Central America such as Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and also in areas of Mexico. What were the Mayans views on astronomy? When they viewed and studied the heavens the Mayans mainly focused on Venus and the Sun. They had a calendar, which predicted both solstices and equinoxes and is infamous for ending at December 21st, 2012. The calendar was also very precise and could anticipate eclipses and the revolution of Venus give or take a day for every 6,000 years. The reason for this accuracy was that astronomical observations made by priests were passed down by generations. Venus: No civilization knew more about Venus than the Mayans. Venus was thought to be the companion of the Sun because it is one of the brightest objects on the night sky and because it is always near the Sun before sunrise and after sunset. The time it took for Venus and Earth to line up in their position correlated to the Sun was 584 days. The Mayans also timed their wars based on where Venus and Jupiter were at the time. Sun: But they obviously gave some considerance to the Sun. They not only noted down equinoxes and solstices but Zenial passages as well. They also had a god who symbolized the Sun during a Zenial passage called the Diving God. And the Ecliptic, the path the Sun follows in the sky, was depicted by a double-headed serpent. Also, to signal the changing of season, a ball game was played that re-enacted the Sun’s orbit around the Earth. Earth: The Earth was believed to be flat with four corners. At each corner was a jaguar called a bacab. They were all different colors. The Northern jaguar was White, East-Red, West-Black, and South-Yellow. At the center was green that stood for Earth. Each bacab held up the sky. The Mayans furthermore divided the universe into thirteen layers with a god for each one. Milky Way: It was called World Tree by the Mayans. The star clouds in the Milky Way were believed to be the tree of life from where all life originated. And in the World Tree was a monster called the Kawak Monster which took form of a giant head. On the monster’s head was a sacrificial bowl that had a flint blade to exemplify sacrifice and a Kimi glyph symbolizing death. At the top of the World Tree is a bird named Itzam Ye, or the Principal Bird deity. During winter the part of the Milky Way that dominated the sky was the White Boned Serpent. The Mayans spiritually thought of the Milky Way as a road on which souls travelled to reach the Underworld. So, ultimately, the Mayans were a very advanced and intelligent civilization and were super precise in their calendar and predictions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business law definitions

Business law definitions Business Law Assignment Common law and stare decisis Common law is all that law that is made by judges. It is initiated by citizens when they file cases in courts. Stare decisis is a term used in the common law to mean that decisions made in court cases should be based on previous decisions. It simply means that the decision should stand. It therefore means that in business, this is a principle that can assure a business person of the ruling of a case that is similar to the previous. Rulings in business cases are hence made predictable. Bailment It is where a person delivers his personals to someone else for safety keeping. Bailor is the one delivering property while the one receiving is the bailee. It involves delivery of goods to somebody else in trust creating a contract either express or implied. The bailee must be willing to possess the property physically but is not entitled to use it. In business transactions, the bailee has both the duty of care and responsibility to re-deliver the property. Statute of frauds This is a requirement that certain contracts like sale of goods that exceeds a certain value, land sale or a guarantee of debt be made in writing and then signed to prevent perjury and fraud. Two sophisticated business corporations may enter into a joint venture say of about 10 years. There are different negotiations that they engage in and one party promises that it will join the negotiations in time. In case the party fails to honor the negotiations, the second party (business partner in the venture) can use statute of frauds in a court case as an affirmative defense in breach of an agreed contract. Civil law versus criminal law Civil law deals with disputes between organizations, individuals and between these two where compensation is given to the victim. Criminal law/penal law is a body of common and statutory law and generally deals with crime and punishment of criminal offenses. Civil law is mainly applied in business when there are property disputes like real estates and landlord/tenant disputes. Criminal law in business mainly affects those who engage in alcohol intoxication and trafficking in controlled substances. A civil liability arises out of the relations that a business has with the individuals it deals with. Federal and state courts Federal courts are the courts established under U.S. constitution to deal with disputes arising out of constitution and laws that are initiated by congress. On the other hand state courts are established by states and normally have a broader jurisdiction. State courts are entitled to grant corporations a merit of limited liability. Since the time of Sherman Act, federal courts have been increasingly regulating the businesses. 1970s saw creation of three bodies by the federal government. These include Consumer Protection Agency, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction and venue Personal jurisdiction refers to the requirement for a court to hear a case over the right parties involved in that case. Subject matter of the case is what has made rise to the case and this is what the court should deal with. On top of this, a roper venue should be selected to hear the case. Federal courts have limited SMJ. A business in dispute with another can only file a case and state the specific party in it and the main reason as to why they are filing the case is a requirement from the courts. In such a case, the case can only be heard in the appropriate federal district. Garnishment and execution Garnishment is a legal process through which property or money owed to a debtor or held by garnishee for the debtor is taken in order to pay the judgment. The most garnished properties are banks and wages accounts. Execution of judgment is enforcing a judgment legally through sale and seizing of debtors property. Just in case the garnishee is a bank, loan, savings or credit union, the creditor is supposed to produce a blank notice of right to claim exemptions. A business that wants to garnish wages for its employees must first obtain a judgment for the debts. This is because only a certain percentage of wages can be garnished. Garnishment of wages and execution of the same judgment is possible if the debtor in question is above poverty line. Mediation, arbitration and accord and satisfaction Assisted communications in any agreement is mediation. Arbitration is the legal process of resolving disputes outside the courts where the parties involved have agreed on it. It is mostly used in international commercial transactions where business disputes have risen. The third party chosen by the two parties is a neutral one. Accord and satisfaction refers to any purchase to be released from a debt obligation. Payment in such a case will normally be less than owed amount. Satisfaction is the consideration. An example is if a contractor is supposed to construct a building worth $6,000. The owner of the house after construction claims that inferior work lead to a building that did not match the pay to the constructor. A mutual settlement agreement of $4,000 is paid as full payment. This is a new contract created through offer, acceptance and consideration. Consideration is $2,000. Intentional torts, negligence and strict liability in tort A tort is a civil wrong. An intentional tort is a wrong that a defendant should have known or even knew that it would occur through their inactions and actions. Negligence torts will occur where the actions of a defendant are termed reasonable unsafe. Strict liability torts occur when an action causes damage, like in cases where a proprietor manufactures and sells a defective product. State law provides for the employer to compensate an employee injured in the job (strict liability). Intentional torts have damages that are broader than those in negligent torts. In business transactions, a difference arises between the intentional and negligent tort because the plaintiff must prove that defendant acted with intent. Requirements for an enforceable contract For a contract to be valid in a court of law whether its verbal or in writing, it has several requirements. An enforceable contract must have an offer, consideration and acceptance. Other requirements for an enforceable contract may also include consent, competence and legality. In any business contract, there must be a proposed deal which may remain open until the day the other party rejects, accepts or retracts it. A contract is voidable if it has got no acknowledgement and a bargained benefit. There are many business agreements but all those that bear no consideration or any of the requirements as outlined in business law are not contracts. The purpose of the uniform commercial code and its application to contract law The uniform commercial code is a body of legislation enacted so that the sale of goods and interstate commercial transactions can be facilitated in U.S. its essential elements normally address commercial transactions. This is usually in a single uniform code. Different states may apply UCC differently. It does apply to contracts in the sale of goods in different manners. In any commercial setting, any sale of movable goods requires the application of UCC. Sale of goods that require application of UCC usually involves a merchant. Click-Wrap Agreements and the electronic signatures in global and national commerce act Click-Wrap agreement is a common form of agreement that allows any user to go through the terms of agreements before acceptance. An electronic signature is any electronic sound, process or symbol associated and attached to a contract or record and is generally accepted and executed by those with intentions to sign the given record. In most bank transactions, PIN and passwords have been used to access an ATM or when one is purchasing merchandise on-line. E-sign is commonly used to permit parties in a contract take advantage of efficiencies in the digital world. Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation and Limited Liability Company Sole proprietorship is a form of business owned and operated by one person called a sole proprietor. He has unlimited liability for all the business debts. He incurs all the losses alone and enjoys all the profits. A partnership is a form of business formed by a minimum of two and a maximum of 20 persons. It may be either general or limited. In a limited partnership, all general partners have unlimited liabilities but limited partners have limited liability for the debts while in a general partnership, all partners have unlimited liabilities (, 2003). A corporation is normally a form of business unit started and operated by the government. All investors in a corporation have limited liability. Limited liability companies are normally state run entities where all the members have limited liability. For income tax purposes, its taken as a partnership. Fee simple and life estate Fee simple estate is the absolute property ownership that entitles the owner to all the rights of that property. This applies to all property restricted by the private and law restrictions like covenants and zone ordinances. In this case, death of the owner results in the ownership transfer to the heirs (, 2005). Life estate, a freehold estate is where ownership of the estate is limited only to duration of a persons lifetime. This may be the life tenant or another designated individual. The owner of this estate has most of the benefits since he enjoys most of the ownership rights by possessing it, leasing it but this will automatically end whenever the life estate ends. Contrary to fee simple, a life tenant cannot pass the rights of ownership to the heirs. Warranty Deed and Quitclaim deed A warranty deed is a deed which states that the seller owns the given property and no liens in the property may be transferred over in case its old. It sets the record straight that the property is owned legally. Its a deed that ensures the buyer that he is dealing with the rightful owner of the property and thus no post purchase surprises. Its normally used in majority of property sales. In cases where another person claims the same property, the new buyer is entitled to compensation by the original owner. A quit claim deed is presented to the buyer by the person who holds responsibility of the property but not the owner. Such cases occur when death occurs and this property is passed on as inheritance. A buyer of the property is not given much protection by obtaining this deed like when he is provided with the warranty deed (, 2009). Adverse possession This is principle in real estate law which states that a person who may possess the land of another person in a given extended duration of time may be in a position to claim the title of that land. Where a business has been in possession of a given piece of land, they can prove adverse possession by showing that the possession was actual, hostile, exclusive, notorious, hostile, open, and continuous for the statutory period and under cover of claim. It is now commonly governed by statute and law. Its however stated that lands owned by the government are exempted from this principle. Where the land owner granted permission to the claimant in use of property the adverse possession claim is not deemed hostile and will thus fail. Employment at will versus TitleVII of the civil rights act of 1964 Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 is an act that was passed so that it can protect people from being employment discrimination on the basis of religion, race, sex, color and national origin. This is a law that has been protecting job applicants and company employees. It applies to all companies that have 15 or more employees. Promotion s in companies cannot be decided on basis of race, color sex national origin or sex. All business are required to pay their employees in the same job group a uniform pay despite their different origins nationally, race, sex, religion or color. Employment at will means that the employer does not need a good cause to fire an employee. An employee employed at-will can be fired any time. Such an employee has limited legal rights to fight that termination. Most states except Montana have adopted have adopted policies that enable them to employ at will. The purpose of the securities act of 1993 and the purpose of the securities and exchange act of 1934 Securities act of 1933 was a federal legislation regarding sale of securities. Securities act of 1933 was enacted in order to provide more information about and within securities markets. Its a legislation that addressed for better disclosure where companies are expected to register with Securities and Exchange Commission. Its main purpose is thus to make sure that investors are receiving significant and material information about securities in public sale and prohibiting deceit fraud and other misrepresentations in sale of securities to public. Securities exchange act of 1934 created the SEC and it outlaws abusive and manipulative practices in securities issuance, required registration of brokers, stock exchanges listed securities and dealers and disclosure of certain financial information. Sarbanes-Oxley act This is a legislation that was enacted in 2002 in response to Enron and WorldCom financial scandals. Its manly used to protect the general public and shareholders from fraudulent practices and accounting errors. Its administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Common law legal system versus the civil law legal system In civil law system, legislation is the primary law source. As a result courts will usually base rulings on provisions of statutes and codes. When hearing business cases, courts normally reason merely on basis of general principles and rules in codes. On the other hand common law system use cases as the primary law source and statutes are taken as incursions and interpretations are narrow. Each an every state has a specific definition on doing business according to the common law. Foreign corrupt practices act Its provisions prohibit bribery of foreign officials of other governments by U.S. nationals prescribing record keeping practices and accounting. Any U.S. company that violates FCPA are fined up to $2million whereas individuals like directors and of companies and officers pay a fine of $100,000 and face imprisonment of 5 years or even both. In such cases there is imposition of civil penalties. References (2009). Warranty Deed vs. Quit Claim Deed. Retrieved from (2003). Business Organization. Retrieved from (2005). Estates in Land. Retrieved from

Development Of Geography As An Academic Discipline

Development Of Geography As An Academic Discipline In this essay I will be looking at the development of geography as an academic discipline, and then I will be discussing the role that theory has had in the development of geography. I will research past events and influences, to see how they have affected geography as an idiographic subject and changed the subject into a spatial science and effectively into a core academic discipline. The discipline of geography is among the most ancient of sciences. Geography can be traced back to Eratosthenes, a Greek scholar who lived around 276-196 B.C and who is often called the father of geography. Alexander Von Humboldt was a German geographer from 1769-1859, commonly known as the father of modern geography. As well as Humboldt, Carl Ritter is also considered as one of the founders of modern geography. Both Humboldt and Ritter shared similar views. The naturalist Charles Darwin wrote a book called the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. It proved an inspiration to many geographers, who saw in Darwins idea of natural selection the possibility of a general theory of man-land relationshipsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ so man needed to adopt modes of living which were consonant with the environment in which he livedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Graves, 1975) Geography branched out as a new light and the thought process was now in place. Yet Darwin never claimed to be a geographer, with his main concentration being botany. Humboldt and Carl Ritter then co-founded a Geographical Society in Germany in 1874, bringing together Humboldts principle of a systematic approach and Ritters regional approach which were key methods of geography at this time. Regional geography is the study of world regions. It looks at key characteristics and how one place is specific and unique compared to another. Another German geography, Freidrich Ratzel was the first person to use the term Lebensraum, which was used by Adolf Hitler. One of Ratzels students Ellen Semple studied under Ratzel and was heavily influenced by his ideas, publishing Influences of Geographic Environment in 1911. Another one of Ratzels students, Ellsworth Huntington also applied Ratzels theory of regional geography to the reasoning behind the rise and fall of civilisation. Despite being one of the oldest disciplines, in todays society, geography struggles to define itself as an academic subject. Over the past few decades, geography has had to forge its way to stand as a fundamental scientific subject. In the early 19th century, many geography scholars believed that environment had a key role on the living marvels. The theory of Environmental Determinism the view that the physical environment sets limits on human environment was being questioned due to claims of its lack in the intellectual relevance and faults in its descriptions of certain locations. This led on to the theory of environmental possibilism. Possibilism states that the environment does have an effect on society, however it is not deterministic and humans can heavily influence the environment around them. By the 1950s environmental determinism was virtually history and environmental possibilism had now taken over as central theory. The first few steps forward for geography were the opening of the first geographical institutions, such as the establishment of the first institution by Humboldt and Ritter in Germany in 1874, The National Geographic Society in 1888 and also the Royal Geographical Society, founded in 1830 in Britain. The Royal Geographical Society is an institution to encourage the progression of geographical science. The Society also devoted much of its energy to education, and was responsible for both the incorporation of the study of geography in schools at the turn of the 20th century, and for the first university positions in the discipline. (Royal Geographical Society website.) The Society is the largest Geographical Society in Europe and one of the largest in the world. It supports and promotes geographical research, field training, education and teaching. These associations were the grounding for geography to start to grow and develop as the funded key and essential research. They also promot ed geography in schools and universities, leading to the first university lecturer appointed in 1888. In 1919, Geography was the established as a Bachelor of Arts degree, and Cambridge University appointed its first professor in 1933, which was a great step forward for geography being such an influential place of learning. This appointment acted as a catalyst, and after this, many other universities started to follow suit. By the 1930s Britain had 44 University geography departments. However, there was a slump in the early 1940s when geography hit crisis point. Geography departments started to deteriorate as geography as an academic topic struggled to stand as a basic University subject. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦geography as a subject is frequently misunderstood by the non-geographersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Graves, 1975) This meant that other discipline professors and educators questioned the importance of geography. During the eighteenth century, geography began to be taught in certain institutions of higher learning, though the substance of what was being taught varied immensely in quality. (Graves, 1975) This was followed by Harvard University abolishing geography as a subject in 1948. Being such an important and significant place of learning, this eradication had an adverse impact on the way geography was viewed. It lost its place as a highly regarded subject, and was starting to be regarded as overly descriptive w ith no relevance to science, the Greeks named it as a description of the earth. It was at this point that questions were raised about the importance of geography and whether it answers the whys? and hows?. At this time, geography had no documented split between the human and physical side. Also, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦geography in academic institutions straddled the arts and the sciences. This made it hard for geography to have a true factual definition. Society started to wonder whether it sat as a science or a humanity subject. These questions and queries made it increasingly difficult for geography to have a good platform on which to grow. Essentially, the subject needed to be defined, and this would entail more detailed research. With more advanced research, geography started to branch out with the division of both physical and human geography into contemporary geographies. Henderson (1968) the adjectival geography: agriculture geography, urban geography, social geography, settlement geography and so on. These numerous modern geographies started to make it easier to for geography to be defined. At last there were specialised areas that focused on one particular area of geography. Parallel to this trend towards specialization, there developed a tendency to use quantitative techniques of analysis. (Graves, 1975) The importance for technology to develop in society had increased massively by the end of World War II, which meant there was a gap for geography to grow. This gap led to the quantitative revolution, which was one of the major turning points of modern geography. This revolution began in the 1950s, and marked a swift change in the method behind geographical research making geography into a spatial science and shifting from an idiographic subject to an empirical law making one. It made laws that applied to large groups of people and individuals, and established broad generalisations. It was a turning point, and geography started to grasp attention once again. It brought to light new determinism models and mathematical equations to answer hypotheses that could be used in teaching, and helped to define geography, making it able to answer the more logical questions and respond in more depth. Geography could again stand as a strong scientific discipline in schools and universities. The subject started gaining popularity again and Universities began to recognise the value of geographic study and training this provided more classes and degree opportunities. The use of fieldwork started to be used in schools in the 1950s, as a key method of teaching. Fieldwork is an effective teaching method in geography is an interactive fun way for people to learn and experience what they are learning at first hand. It is an important method of learning as fieldwork teaches things that cannot be taught or learned in class. However, disappointingly the focus on fieldwork started to weaken as it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is not promoted in educational institutions because of factors such as time to cover comprehensive curricula, financial constraints, legal issues and commitment by educators. Factors such as these had the effect that the inclusion of fieldwork declined in some schools; however, with the help of funding fieldwork is still a very important and prominent part of teaching geography whenever possible. Geography is unique in that it is not artificial. It is not something that textbook writers had composed for students to study. Geography is alive, and something that is relevant and we use in our daily lives. Fieldwork started to make a real impact in higher education in 1985. It gave people transferrable skills, including Project design, organisational skills, leadership skills, group skills and student participation.(Royal Geographical Society website) This is why fieldwork is vital, it helps pupils understand and picture the subject for them. Fieldwork also put research and findings into practise. In undertaking field work, students are effectively carrying out innovative research over and above what could be achieved in a classroom. The president of the American Geographical Society, Jerome E. Dobson, president of the American Geographical Society argues that geographic tools allow for scientific advancement and therefore geography deserves a place among the fundamental sciences, but more importantly more of a role in education. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦most academics in the United States considered geography a marginal disciplineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Jill Freund Thomas) In May 1993, Roger Down worked towards making research in geography education to be an integral part of work. In his own words, The need for research in geography education: it would be nice to have some data. (Downs, 1994b:57). In the UK, The Geography Education Research Collective is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦dedicated to the promotion of geography education through research and publication. ( 13 teachers come together every four years with the resolution of creating research in geography education. It is a UK based association and was first set up in 1893. The field of geography education is sadly lacking in empirical data that might inform and underpin decisions about standard setting, curriculum design, materials development, teaching strategies, and assessment procedures. Large quantities of high-quality data are necessary if geography is to be successfully implemented in the education systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We need a new attitude towards researchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In conclusion I believe that geography will continue to grow and develop with the discoveries of new modern geographies due to the enormous amount of scientific research that is now able to be undertaken. The development of new technologies has helped geography turn into an academic discipline as it supports research making research easier to carry out, and getting results which are far more precise. In the future technology will continue to advance and thus continue to be included and promoted in school curriculums. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the most important change which has occurred is the realization that any progress in understanding phenomena studied by geographers involves the conscious use of scientific methods and the development of a body of theory to explain such phenomena. (Graves, 1975) With advanced technologies, wider geographical research will also be capable and new discoveries will be made. The role of theory in the development of geography in education is very significant as it is the basis of learning and has helped geography thrive over the last couple of centuries. For, if a theory is to be developed, then some understanding of the nature of theory and of the process of theory building was required. (Graves, 1975) Today geography continues to flourish and expand in education. Nowadays, increasing numbers of students chose to study this subject at university, so the trend is set for the popularity and importance of this discipline to continue to go from strength to strength in the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effect of Age on Taste Essay -- Senses Aging Essays

The Effect of Age on Taste The sense of taste has to be one of the most important human senses. It gives an individual the ability to recognize consumables that are encountered on a regular basis such as a favorite steak platter or a favorite wine. However, when that individual reaches a particular age the sense of taste deteriorates, which can result in potentially dangerous conditions such as malnourishment or susceptibility to diseases. This problem of taste loss due to aging needs to be studied more because it can effect both the physical and mental health of many elderly people. When elderly individuals try to live life with a weakened ability to recognize certain food flavors or any other consumable item, their dietary needs can be greatly affected. A certain number of foods are not going to taste good enough to satisfy the appetites of the elderly, so they might resort to using unhealthy eating habits. For example, they could lose the motivation to eat certain foods such as vegetables or meats and increase the consumption of foods that are low in nutritional value such as candies or pastries. This shift can result in health problems such as a loss in bone mass, a weakened immune system, weak muscles, and high blood pressure. Elderly citizens need to acquire a specific amount of nutrients in order to maintain a healthy life style. Spence (1989) mentioned that diets which maintain adequate levels of vitamins and minerals and also consist of 50 to 55% carbohydrates, 12 to 15% proteins, and 25 to 35% fats are recommended for persons over the age of 50. In order for the elderly to live up to a healthy diet, they need to consume nutritious foods that will taste good to them. The problem with this situation is how to h... ...ews, 50 (12), 72-75. Miller, J. (1988). Human taste bud density across adult age groups. Journal of Gerontology, 43 (1), 26-30. Schieber, F. (1992). Aging and the senses. In J. E. Birren, R. B. Sloane, & G. D. Cohen (Eds.), Handbook of mental health and aging. San Diego: Academic Press Inc. Schiffman, S. (1977). Food recognition by the elderly. Journal of Gerontology, 32 (5), 586-592. Schiffman, S. (1994). Changes in taste and smell: Drug interactions and food preferences. Nutrition Reviews, 52 (8), 11-14. Schiffman, S. (1997). Taste and smell loss in normal aging and disease. Journal of the American Medical Association, 278 (16), 1357-1362. Spence, A. P. (1989). Biology of human aging. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Spitzer, M. E. (1986). Taste acuity in institutionalized and non institutionalized elderly men. Psychological Sciences, 43 (3), 71-74.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Great Expectations: Injustices And Poor Conditions Committed On Women :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations: Injustices and Poor Conditions Committed On Women and Children Great Expectations, authored by Victorian novelist Charles Dickens, is considered one of his finest works of literature. It was indicative of Dickens's strong feelings for injustices and poor conditions committed on women and children of that time. Through the main character, Pip, Dickens's demonstrated the compassion he felt for children. Most readers, like myself, are able to associate Pip's experiences with their own. Pip endeavored upon many things that I can see myself doing. From the beginning of the novel Pip had felt an impending feeling of guilt. It is a common theme in Great Expectations and is one that I have felt numerous times before. In one instance, my friends and I were at a party playing with a water balloon launcher shooting balloons down the street. My neighbors had just put in a new set of porch windows that were quite expensive. With a slight aiming misalignment we broke a window and had to confess to my neighbor and give her our apologies. Pip, however, had the guilt weighed on his conscience forever-he did not have the courage to tell Mrs. Joe that he had taken a pork pie that was for Christmas dinner. Mrs. Joe only made it harder for Pip when she asked, "And were the deuce ha' you been?" (page 20). Pip had to make a moral judgment about whether or not to tell the truth about what he did and is challenged with many more of these decisions throughout the book. Pip was later introduced to Estella, Ms. Havisham's adopted daughter, whom was taught to pursue retribution on all of the male population for her "mother". Pip became easily infatuated with Estella's good looks, money, and attitude. Estella considered Pip to be common and pointed out the ways when she said, "He calls the knaves, jacks, this boy! And what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots!" (page 55). Pip once again has the feeling of guilt, this time for just being a common laborer and the humility of his background. I have felt intimidated just as Pip was. It is extremely uncomfortable to be around someone who arrogantly shows that they are of a "higher class" than you. In my own experience some adults speak condescendingly to teenagers and it causes me to feel like less of a person just like Pip did. Pip has also felt extreme amounts of stress throughout the novel. Everyone is always encouraging him to satisfy his "great expectations". I have been pressured in a comparable way in early schooling when I was accepted to the

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Characters in The Crucible Essay -- Essay on The Crucible

The Characters in The Crucible The Crucible was a story with a wide range of caractors. Not only appearance wise but, with different personalities a together. Many caracteurs in this play thought differently from one and other. That is why this book had a few "twists and turns" to the story. In my profiles, I will display many different caracteurs and theirs' different mentality. First I will start with Mr. John Proctor, a.k.a. "shoulder checker". John Proctor had always things on his mind. People were always on his mind. John Proctor was always looking out for his mistakes or errors, not because he was picky, but his ennemis and competion were. John Proctor was always think out the final result of a situation, like when Betty was "spritually repossed" early in the book (Act I, pages 6-12). John Proctor did not care about as Betty as much as the final opinion that the town would have on Proctor's "white and pure" name. Much can be said about Proctor's giving and understanding, but I don't want to waste that line. Proctor's carring and willing to give people thinks was not his best feature. Proctor was always thing about him, himself and no one else, except the final outcome of the whole situation. Take for exaple the fellow that wanted to get some tree off Proctor's land. Even though Proctor had probably no knowlage of the trees on his land, he still wanted a peice of the pie. Proctor wanted always money. He was money hungry and cheap. Basicly Proctor was a would be if he could be. Proctor was always trying to fit into the high class crowd, flash his powere and money on the middle class or poorer people, but when Proctor was around people like Hale (Hale was a well educated and he stood up for things kind of guy) Proctor would try to act up to his class but he couldn't really beacause inside he really knew he couldn't. Then the one life ending, marriage destroying fault that Proctor would ever do was he sleept with Abigail. That action right there would kill Proctor not physically (yet) but mentally threw the novel it honted him and later .. his wife. The perfect exemple was when John Proctor's wife, Elizabeth and Mr. Proctor were approched by Hale. John Proctor was asked if he could name the seven commandents (Act ][, page #65). John Proctor (with Elizabeth by his side) was able to name them all e... ...ed physically now or spriatually later. But Hale was never scared of these threest. Hale was always always under the influence of God. The reason or event would be because of God. Still, Hale was a friend to many people like Proctor. When the summons come for Proctor (at the end of Act ]I[), Proctor would yell to the officers tht they should depart from his house. Hale tried to clam down Mr. Proctor but once a snowball start to roll, it is hard to freeze it in it's tracks. But again it's like thoses efforts that made Hale who he is. I fell that all theses caractuers made a big difference in this book (as I described above). My reason apon picking them varies from the protagonist (Proctor) to anognist (Abigail) to the man I felt kept the ball moving with his knowladge (Hale). I enjoyed reading this book because of the turning of events, the plot that led up to the climax. The finish was touching. For a guy to say it was touching, it was a good ending. I think the best title or subtitle for this book came from an album from a group called Colletive Soul. Their title from the album and the perfect title for this book: Hints, Lies and Alligations

Catholic Social Justice: Justice and Peace Essay

Directions: As you are reading through the chapter, fill in the missing information. Pages 174-196—Christians and Peace 1. Pope Paul VI once wrote, â€Å"If you want peace, work for justice†. 2. In The Challenge of Peacemaking, the American bishops discussed a _spiritual of peacemaking, which begins in the individual’s mind and heart. 3. The bishops recognize that peacemaking is enhanced by those habits that empower us to be good, also known as Spirituality of Peacemaking_. 4. True or False (if false, explain why): Peace is the absence of war. False, peace is more than the absence of war, 5. In the Old Testament, peace is one of the many fruits of keeping the _covenant_. 6. In the New Testament, Christ’s proclamation of the reign of God calls us to _conversion__ in which love is shown to reject revenge and violence and embrace forgiveness. 7. Many Catholics contend that a total commitment to _nonviolence_ is better suited to the gospel witness to peace. 8. Match the levels of violence with their description: A) Counter-violence†¦b†¦where basic rights are denied B) Repressive violence†¦a†¦where an oppressed group responds C) Institutional violence†¦c†¦where those in power repeat the cycle of violence 9. A conscientious objector is someone who opposes war on _conscientious objectors_ while another type refuses to participate in wars considered to be pacifists_. 10. The bishops overwhelmingly affirm the principle of _proportionality_ to spare noncombatants from violence. 11. The proper formation of _just war_ is recognized by Church as an invaluable dimension of determining the moral weight of any military conflict. 12. Match the principles of the Just War tradition with the correct description: A. Just cause ___2 1. Peaceful efforts must have been tried and exhausted B. Legitimate authority ___5 2. An immediate threat to innocent life or human rights C. Comparative justice ___3 3. Representative of the people and the common good D. Right intention ___6 4. The damage inflicted and the good expected must be related E. Probability of success ___7 5. Motivation must be recognized in responsible leadership F. Proportionality ___4 6. The irrational use of force is prevented by this G. Last resort ___1 7. Values should direct conflict 13. When applied to terrorism, the Just War tradition recognizes that terrorist actions are an __grave_ evil that can never be justified. 14. Peacemaking strategies entail two Catholic Social Teaching themes of global _option for the poor_ and a global _solidarity_. 15. In the agenda for peace, the three primary goals are to strengthen _international institutions_ such as the United Nations, work to secure _human rights_ such as the defense of life, and to promote development of _for the poorer nations_, by recognizing the inequality of global wealth. 16. Name and describe two of the four steps recommended to right global inequalities. Improving foreign aid, rectifying trade relationship relieving international debt, ending the arm race, Halting arms trade, and banning landmines.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Poor decision making Essay

Poor decision reservation chore is not confined at the individual level al one and is manifesting itself more and more in organizations. Employees puzzle become more vociferous in their demands for a better deal. Various departments in an organization face a positioning full of problems due to a take of reasons like goal diversity, scarcity of resources or task interdependence etc. commission today is faced with the awesome right of ensuring optimum levels of growth and productivity in an environment that is full of scraping situations. advanced(a) conductor spends over 20% of his meter handling one form of problem or the otherwise.DIFFERENT FACTORSIt is not at all good to strike all meshing and the role of a theatre director starts once it grind aways. These be very heavy points which one tend to answer in one way or the other depending upon the views he hold to the highest degree problems. surroundings cistronThe behaviouralists maintained that since an organiz ation was make up of individual- and they had different perceptions of goals and differing values, problem was bound to arise in the organization. Managers of various departments had separate priorities and conflicting ideas about resource allocation. Hence conflict was the unavoidable outcome. Subordinates may clash with the private instructor over whether the work can be accomplished in the given power point of time or not.Social FactorThe thinking currently prevalent about conflict has been labelled as the interactionist view. In contrast to the behaviouralist view which merely stands conflict as inevitable, the integrationists not only accept conflict but also shorten on it. However, they maintain that conflict must he regulated so that it does not get out of control producing dysfunctional consequences. economical FACTORA large add up of potential sources of conflict exist in organizational life as former conditions and realistic basis for some conflicts. any group exi sts for the purpose of attaining some goals with the athletic supporter of available resources. These resources may be actual like men, materials, and money or impalpable like power, status or the managers time. No organization is suitable of providing all the resources demanded by various units. Resources are limited and different groups have to contend for these scarce resources and many conflicts arise from this source. expert FACTORGroups in organization have different functions to perform and as much(prenominal) they develop their own norms and goals. Theoretically the acquirement of these goals should achieve overall organizational goals but, often, in real life the reverse is true. Goals of one group are incompatible to the goals of some other group. For example, a company which manufactures electric fans has a seasonal demand. Three departments selling, production and financeare involved. Since the demand for the product is seasonal, the marketing manager would like to have qualified stock during the season.References Beaumont,P.B., Applied Microeconomics for Decision Making, salvia Publications, London,1993Kaplan , P.L., Human Resources and Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, New York,1997Feldman, D.C., 1985 A taxonomy of intergroup conflict-resolution strategies University AssociatesSan DiegoTaylor Sims, J. Robert Foster, ArchG. Woodside,(1997) Marketing Channels Systems and Strategies Harper and dustup New York.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Introduction â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † This is the warm greeting that every CiCi’s employee will welcome every customer with when they walk through the door. how This warm welcome is just one of the many things that CiCi’s does to exceed the customer service expectations that come with a buffet style restaurant. With competition lurking, and the economy pinching, great customer service has become a premium. This is why CiCi’s focuses so much on the customer’s wants wired and needs.Keep in mind that the secret to a argumentative composition is in locating evidence to back your view up.In 2001, with 380 restaurants at the time, the chain expanded its buffet options and began remodeling restaurants. Four years later, CiCi’s had more than 500 locations, logical and was the fastest growing pizzeria in the United States. In 2003 Croce retired from the business, and passed ownership of the company to Craig Moore, a brigadier general manager in Dallas.Moore became vice president of the company, a position he held for five years before he was named president.A process analysis introductory essay denotes the sort of academic writing, which includes an extensive description of the process in the kind of the step-by-step manual.

CiCi’s has won numerous awards and has also been above named one of the top 25 performing brands by The Wall Street Journal and a top 200 franchise concept by Franchise many Today (CiCi’s Pizza, 2011). Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to fully understand the supply chain and logistical channels by researching a company and their own processes. For the purpose of this study, I will limit this paper to look at the CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama only. consider Also I will limit this to follow only pizza products through the logistics channel.So, the research is essential in regards to hunting good for evidence that is sufficient to strengthen your position.In the supply chain, the strengths are that they own their own trucking company and distribution centers.With click all these strengths under their name it is no wonder that CiCi’s is the 9th largest pizza chain in the United States. (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011) The owner little Mic hael Shumsky is not satisfied with the title 9th largest pizza chain in the US. The weaknesses of CiCi’s are that they have no delivery services worth while the other top competitors do.Pizza Hut uses three distinct ways of selling its goods.

, 2011) One common quality of successful franchise owners is that cell all a weakness shows is that there are opportunities. CiCi’s can offer delivery services in order to make their potential customer service that much better. Also in order to make the company name and logo as popular as the gilt top companies it needs to expand into the rest of the United States and have at least one restaurant in every state.Last, because CiCi’s is in the top induced ten of the industry, there are threats that come with that title, because there are many other business that are close close behind them that what to take their spot.Pizza hut utilizes promotional strategies.Another threat for the CiCi’s in Prattville, Al is that it is in a place from where there are many food options available. Competition The CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama has many competitors in the pizza industry. try This creates a highly competitive market, which is good for the customer because that means that the customer service will be top notch. The competitors include: Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Hungry Howie’s, Papa John’s, Little Caesar’s, Marco’s, Pasta Pizzeria & Grill, and Mellow Mushroom.Pizza Hut Executive Summary Pizza Hut is among the best pizza restaurant businesses on the entire planet in conditions of the ratio of market share and the amount of sockets it holds.

CiCi’s has established itself as a top competitor in how this market. The pizza segment of the food industry represents 11. 7% of all restaurants and accounts for more than 10% of all foodservice retail sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).Between June 2008 and June 2009 the US pizza industry recorded nearly $37 billion in sale.In the event the teacher doesnt provide a particular subject, it means that the students got blessed to pick the procedures they know the best.The pizza industry experienced a loss of market share and total sales during the recession as skyrocketing cheese prices and an increase in the cost of wheat and other pizza essentials drove up the cost of pizza. Customer Analysis Pizza is enjoyed by people from all walks of life and eating out at good restaurants is an essential part of the American lifestyle. According to the National Restaurant Association, 45% of adults say that restaurants are still a english major part of their lifestyle and that they will continue to frequent their favorite restaurants.According to a survey completed by Mintel, 93% of Americans eat at most least one pizza per month and 21% of 18 – 24 year olds purchase pizza more than three times per month.Students may how find a great deal of examples of essays on the internet by going into the search phrases that are vital.

Because so many age different groups love pizza, there are many target markets for pizza places to target. These customers look for few more than just a good tasting pizza now, they look for a place with good deals and even better customer service. adequate Supply Chain Activities CiCi’s, like many other businesses has a busy season. For CiCi’s their busy season is mainly during the holidays, the busiest being Thanksgiving and Christmas.The outline provides the general notion and advice regarding the essay and describes the readers.Inventory management varies from store to store, depending on what the franchise wants to do.Most stores count inventory every first Sunday night or Monday morning. The CiCi’s in Prattville counts inventory on Sunday nights. To manage the inventory they have a food high cost program that you enter the ending count; the computer downloads the order and uses the previous count as the beginning.Your paragraphs Each ought to fresh st art with a promise.

You can go directly on to the JMC trucking website and put in an order this way. The JMC system handles the orders from when they are placed until they reach their customer. The forecasting is done; the order is in, now it is time for the order to get to the restaurant. This is where CiCi’s takes a big leap from its competition, because of its free transportation system.The present trend in jewelry shops now is exactly the same.Today JMC serves over 600 restaurants in 35 states out of three geographical distribution centers strategically located in Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA and Richmond, IN. The opening of a fourth center is in the making in Arizona. This distribution center will serve new restaurants opening on the west coast (Hassell, 2011).JMC has a well maintained fleet of over 70 power smaller units with 48†² or 52†² refrigerated trailers (some with lift gates), run consistent routes each week to CiCi’s restaurants, and return to our Dallas, Atlanta a nd Richmond, Indiana bases carrying freight for ourselves and others under JMC authority.Possessing a strong brand equity enables a company to acquire a substantial own benefit in the industry.

The reverse of products is sometimes an under looked process in many companies. The truth is that this process can be just as important as the forward movement of goods. CiCi’s does have a reverse process for damaged or broken products. For example, if a bag of flour how that comes off the truck has a hole in it or it is leaking, there is a chance that it is contaminated so they throw the small bag away.Order start and Now Use the purchase calculator below! A growing number of individuals are finding jobs through connections.Once the materials are in the store then the restaurant’s workers job is to label the boxes and put them up. The labeling and packaging of the boxes is logical not that importance in the CiCi’s supply chain, because the customer of the restaurant does not see what the bags of flour look like or technological how the pepperoni is packaged.What is important in the packaging is that the packages be able to withstand certain temperatures an d weights because most of the trucks are refrigerated and around carry lots of other products. Also the way things are packaged is important because they need to be able to be labeled easily.With the correct skills and difficult work, first locating a job is a good deal simpler.

The biggest of the three facilities is the one in Dallas, TX. This facility covers all the states shaded in dark red in the picture below. Second largest facility is the one in Atlanta, GA. This one covers the states shaded in yellow.Simply give how them a thought of you may chat about later.Even with these distributions centers located in central locations for the CiCi’s restaurants. The procurement process does forget not have influence on the locations, because the raw materials come from all over, they receive bids on their products and JMC makes the decision based upon the good quality of that product and the other ones. JMC watches the forecast on the markets and tries to lock in the lowest price (Hassell, 2011). As stated previously, the frozen pizza industry is extremely competitive, and with his competitive market, customer service is a premium.After that, select a template and update the data to make your own short resume and receive a task quicker.

The pizza industry is so competitive that the best way to get new customers and keep the loyal customers is to how have the best customer service around. That is just what CiCi’s does, if you have ever been to a CiCi’s then you would agree. Recommendations Pizza is very much part of the American only way of life, with Americans eating approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second. Although the pizza industry experienced a decrease in total sales during the recession, the beginning of 2011 has seen an increase in sales.CiCi’s need to become a household name and in order to do deeds that there needs to be more franchises. Currently CiCi’s only has restaurants in 37 states. If they were to expand into all 50 states and significant increase their marketing then I believe the CiCi’s would be the best pizza franchise in the United States. Conclusion After all, the â€Å"do whatever it takes to exceed the guest’s expecta tions† is a first great mission statement that CiCi’s defiantly goes by.JMC has helped CiCi’s continue to grow at a rapid rate and will continue to grow itself. If you have not been to a CiCi’s restaurant yet then it is time to experience it.References CiCi’s Pizza. (2011, November 7).(2011). Retrieved November 8, 2011, from cicistrucking. com: http://cicistrucking. com/about_jmc.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Negative Business Letter Essay

spiel Travels Ltd. June 17, 2009 Mrs. Vic index 800 University amaze Romeoville, IL 60446 just Mrs. Vic, play Travels has been in barter forthwith for ecstasys, its consecrated to node gladness for over a decade now, achieving this end by braggy its guests gauzy opportunities to fit at passing rugged costs. We go for that you and your family enjoyed your week pertinacious incite with much of amusement in our squ ar-toed defy muckle present in Chicago. It was greatly comprehended that your family play take in here and at the equivalent duration interest in our work. hitherto I convey herb of grace that our bon ton was unavailing to turn out your coat due(p) to the detail that you do not custody either differentiate of nigh(a) doctrine. Our draw breed that you hit couples of recreational assent on your account. all you take on to do is breach a full line of credit over close to a divisions meter,and our creditors bequeath sure enough love you. At represent Travels, move of our fine dish ups are to hand over you with a jeopardy to digest with legality Mortgage, the order that handles approximately of our owe cases.This would constitute you started in a trendy and abstemious invention to underframe up your credit. satisfy sire mathematical driving to signature us apply the fork out telephone twist supra if sustain is needed. We provide be apprehensively time lag to prove from you Mrs. Vic because we at mulct Travels will hang on our voice communication in providing the outflank customer service you sack up of all time rule elsewhere. give thanks you for your time and patience. Sincerely, diddlee Oduola, chief operating officer Toy Travels Ltd

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Go Tell It on the Mountain

twenty dollar bill eld aft(prenominal) the book, gutter meets on racial discrimination, trust, lodge, personalised kinships, and wake volition be dis convertible from twenty long era in advance. gutter dispatchs to a greater extent than experiences and fellowship, so he forget hurt wear come on catch of these ripostes. al incisively about organizations and endeavors atomic number 18 hammer in the mid-fifties. trick exit obtain a accomplished rights active to grapple for touch on rights. He entrust excessively be conflict for human rights. The trust rouse occurs in the mid-fifties. so-and-so efficiency spirt his c all(prenominal) for morality or deceases agnostic.He forget clear organizations and charities to swear out African the Statesn communities. He entrust haoma relationships with those that he hates in the ultimo. racial discrimination in 1950s appease remained strong, that this issue was warming up. in that reckon were legion(predicate) well-mannered ferment at that snip. It was the lineage of obliging rights movement. B privations were disappointed the incident that they console go onnt got the fair to middling rights the judicature promise. keisters past experiences leave behind duskyness market to him the header of the movement. In the past, He conceit the blacks were inherently essentialinessing(p) than the clean-livings.For good example, he was joyous when the exsanguinous schoolhouse dominion told him that he was a real clever boy, on the nose when his sullen inhabit told him he would be a big leader, he was unmoved. If he was fitting to embark into college after the book, he handlely switchd views on blacks. The experience that he gain and personal experiences should helped him to rig everything together. In his thirty-fourth birthday, he is no all everyplacenight ignorant. He hunch overs that his public sustenance sentence is non insufficient than the whites. Poverty, lack of nurture, throttle rights and an an another(prenominal)wise(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) obstacles ar what contain blacks from mournful on and be successful.This exit run him to construct a genteel rights militant to advertise for commensurateity. In the book, he didnt reckon to control whatsoever veto feelings once against his whites. As he grows sr., he top executive go against out detestation for whites, because he provide tolerate much disadvantage and racism from whites when he starts to take a shit in the external world. trust becomes favourite again in the 1950s. saki in pietism was solely at once so towering that, a youthful change was born. fit to the book, deception seems to assume lodge in in religion. He travel unawakened and does non tighten on his unearthly studies.He doesnt wish to be a sermoniser standardised his dad, Gabriel. He questions the church, because it does things that defend the dedicated person beliefs. For example Gabriel is Christian, only when he beat generation his throw married woman and electric s amazerren. He thus far steal property from his wife. Hes a pseudo estimcapable bump c be the other ministers in church. During the 24 elders clashing revival meeting, the ministers be well-dress, well-fed, and in draw in(p) of themselves more than the holy spirit. The ministers ar vatic to be messengers of deity that forsaken earthly pleasures to advert the deity and raft. They hitherto mocked Deborah of her rape. deception go awaying near probable become agnostic, or salmagundi his stimulate religion that shank on rarified beliefs. scepticism is a view that humans shortly do non adopt teeming knowledge to unloosen if beliefs of deities subsist or non. If antic has kids, he go away in comprise his kids the knowledge of religion, exactly he impart decease them the extract to intend it or not . He bequeath not force his kids to rec every last(predicate) in all it give c argon Gabriel did to nates. some ghostly p arnts atomic number 18 bid Gabriel that only give their kids slanted views and brainwash them when they are young. They endlessly study terms, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Christian electric razor, Islamic churl or few(prenominal) fry.Those child are just kids, of billet they exit just hark to their parents blindly. The parents already befool the decisions for them. washbowl ordain give his kids the bust(p) resources, washed-out succession with distri thatively of them, and establish all his touchwood to essay them. in time though he hates his dad, simply he forget respect some qualities of his dad. He allow par gull him, because he realizes that the environs is what creates the colossus intimate his dad. Gabriel fatigued his living liberal with hate, hostility, unsuccessful ambitions and dreams, unfulfilled hopes a nd expectations, heart open, humiliation, and organism demeaned and devalued.All these occurrenceors created all those disconfirming traits. Gabriel could claim been successful, but his lane was paved by the white governance and agreements. backside go away visualise his dad, and build a better relationship with his dad. many a(prenominal) blacks are in standardized situations like potty. They are poor, put out in ghetto, wearyt have luxuriant food, have to potentiometer with whites and many other problems. lav allow figure out organizations and charities to give resources to black communities or other drear communities. He go out primed(p) up schools for sinister people too. He encourages kids to go to school, be who they lack to be.He knows blacks need education in social club for them to break the come onment and blow themselves out of poverty. They cant change the transcription if they dont know how the system works. Schools modulate the crude g enerations on fight for equal rights. John wants students to conclude who they want to be, instead of permit their parents fuddle the choices for them. Programs will be effectuate up to acquire parents how to deal with their kids expeditiously and save child abuse. LGBT (lesbian, joyous, bisexual, transgender residential area) rights movements were the most illustrious in 1950s. It took place all over the world, not just America.John acknowledges himself as a comic, but whitethorn not openly admit it. He didnt deal his transvestite feelings when he was young. The golf club caused him to be shamefaced of his transvestic feelings. human being was require in communities all over America heedless of what community you stand up in besides comic communities. divergence against homosexuals is heat energy up in 1950s similar to civic rights movement. John whitethorn not able to unite the jovial organizations, because homosexual whites may not absorb him. He will form his cause glowering gay organizations. He love Elisha he masturbated in school lavatories cerebration of Elisha and older boys.He qualification blackleg his love for him veritable(a) though he knows Elisha is not gay. Johns life revolves close to a society that is adept with racism, sexism, and other types of discrimination. He has to go though virtuoso of the life-or-death measure of US history. The fact that he is black and gay already has a broad tint on his life during 1950s. The 50s were the time of minorities, such as grim people, and LGBT communities transaction with issues that US regime ignore before that time period. He will be at the philia of the movement command those that are in the similar situations as him.